
Record-Breaking Number of Twitch Viewers for Hogwarts Legacy

Twitch viewership for Hogwarts Legacy has already set records. The Avalanche Software game was anticipated to perform well just based on the number of preorders, and now the gaming community is beginning to discover how much interest Hogwarts Legacy actually attracts.

Since Hogwarts Legacy gameplay footage first started to emerge in 2018, anticipation for this moment has been building for months, if not years. Despite some people’s negative perceptions of the game, it appears that the prospect of enrolling in the magical school has piqued excitement among fans and even in non-fans. Hogwarts Legacy was one of the most popular titles for PS5 preorders and continues to dominate the Steam wishlist ranking today. Hogwarts Legacy was already predicted to be among the most popular video games of 2023, and proof of this is also starting to accumulate on Twitch.

For the time being, Hogwarts Legacy is only accessible to those who have placed a deluxe edition preorder. Many fans are now in a predicament where they would like to see the game but do not yet have access to it. Therefore, watching others broadcast the game is the most effective way for most people to watch it early, and it works. With 1.3 million viewers on February 7, Hogwarts Legacy formally broke the Twitch record for the most viewed single-player game. With 1.14 million spectators in 2020, Cyberpunk 2077 was the most recent game to break this record. For those who watch two hours of Hogwarts Legacy streams over the course of three weeks, partnering streamers who have enabled drops are offering five in-game items as an added incentive.

Four of those items are available through the partnered broadcasts, but fans can only get Merlin’s Cloak by viewing an early access or launch stream from Avalanche Software. Also noteworthy is the fact that while Hogwarts Legacy achieved impressive numbers, it didn’t break the all-time concurrent record, which was held by League of Legends with 3.11 million spectators. For now, it is only predicted that viewing will increase as Hogwarts Legacy completely debuts in two days and the Nintendo Switch version launches in July.